The Titan Rated Dirt Tarp is used to hold and move dirt during pole change out procedures. Easy to use, and store.
Designed for the working professional in sensitive environments where overhead lifting is required.Certificate of compliance is provided. Certified with a working load limit of 2970 lbs. Each tarp has a unique serial number provided to facilitate tracking, and inspection protocols.
These ratings are important in overhead lifting situations where they have been primarily created for power plants, and tower use. This product also performs a function on the T&D side by closing the loop of having a rated sling/hoist, and now a hoist vessel that has been rated as well.
Also available in smaller and larger sizes:
Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions. Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas