Digital Earth Clamp - with PC Interface
The Megger DET24C represents a new generation of earth ground clamp-on resistance testers. This instrument induces a test current into earth systems and measures ground resistance in multi ground installations without needing to disconnect the ground. It offers market leading access, advanced features, simple operation and CAT IV 600 V safety protection
Designed with flat core ends they prevent dirt build up, ensuring measurement integrity and improved reliability over products with interlocking teeth. Other enhancements over current generation products include improved accuracy and up to 300% increase in battery life. In electrically noisy environments the built-in filter function offers increased noise immunity.
The DET24C supports a download of results via IrDA-to-USB link into PowerDB and Power DB Lite, Megger’s acceptance and maintenance test data management software. Stored data is indexed using a sequential serial number together with a time and date stamp for each record.
Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions. Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas