1245 Maple Hill Court, Unit 8,
Newmarket, ON,
L3Y 9E8
+1(905) 898-5822

INTELLITONE 200 Toner and Probe Kit

Part # : MT-8200-60A
Digital network cable toner and probe traces and locates cables on active network.
IntelliTone digital toning technology:
Ends cable location confusion, decisively rejects noise and false signals
Locates cables on active networks, even when terminated at a switch
Isolates cable and wiring within a bundle, despite cable bleed
Confirms cable location, verifies continuity, and detects faults (opens, shorts, and reversed pairs) in one step
SmartTone® analog toning technology:
Isolates individual wire pairs precisely by changing tone when shorted
Effectively traces and locates voice, audio, and video cabling

Images are representative of product. Product may not be exactly as shown.

Jubb Utility serving linemen and utility services in the Greater Toronto area, Vaughan, York, Peel, and Durham regions.  Toronto, Markham, Richmond Hill, Newmarket, Aurora, Bradford, Barrie, and surrounding areas